Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Saving Wishes ~ G. J. Walker-Smith

So in this book the main character is Charlotte Blake (a.k.a. Charli). She wants to get out of the small town of Pipers Cove. Probably the most boring place she will ever be. She wants to go out and explore the world. She does not want to be held up in a small town. Then she meets Adam. He comes bearing a postcard that she made. Or more took a picture of. She said, "Fate brought you here." (pg. 108) She believes it is fate that brought him here bearing this beautiful postcard that she made that came all the way from New York to Australia. I am just going to go out on a limb here and say they are going to end up together! Wouldn't you say so? But I am only in the beginning and they are sort of coming together already so what is going to happen the next 800 pages? (It is not as big as you would think since there are more pages on a smaller screen; I am reading this on my phone)
I believe that something is going to happen to make the other person mad or something happens where they can't be together any more or Adam leaves because he has to go back to New York some time. Isn't that almost what always happens? Then sometimes they get back together
or they don't but I will have to keep reading to find out!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy an "exploring" type theme. Also a nice love story.This looks really great!
