Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Bone Season ~ Samantha Shannon 3

Okay, throughout the whole book, I will admit that I have been a bit confused...I was always thinking: what, how, why? But I just came across a memory of the main character that possibly explained the whole book!
"'Do you have any idea what clairvoyance means?'
Clairvoyance. The forbidden word. I glanced around the restaurant, but nobody was looking. Or listening it seemed.
'Unnaturalness,' I said.
Jaxon smiled thinly. 'So the Archon calls it. But do you know what the word means? From the French.'
'Clear vision. A kind of extrasensory perception. Knowing things that are hidden.'
'And where are they hidden?'
I hesitated. 'In the subconscious?'
'Sometimes yes. Or sometimes' --he blew out the candle in the middle of the table--'in the æther.'
I looked into the smoke drawn to it. A chill spread through my chest. 'What's the æther?'
'The infinite. We come from it, we live within it, and when we die, we pass back into it. But not all of us are willing to part ways with the physical world.'
'Jax,' Nick said, keeping his voice low, 'this is meant to be an introduction, not a lecture series. She's sixteen.'
'I want to know,' I pressed.
'Please.' I had to know.
His expression softened. He sat back in his seat and sipped his water. 'You choice.'
Jaxon, who was looking at us with raised eyebrows, pursed his lips before continuing. "The æther is a higher plane of existence," he said. 'It exists alongside the corporeal plane. Clairvoyants--people like us--have the ability to draw on the æther.'
I was sitting in a restaurant with two unnaturals. 'How?' I said.
'Oh, there are an infinite number of ways. I've spent fifteen years trying to categorize them.'
'But what does it mean to 'draw on the æther'' Asking questions about clairvoyance gave me a sinful little thrill.
'It means you can commune with the spirits,' Nick clarifies. 'The dead. Different voyants can do it in different ways.'
'So the æther is like the afterlife?'
'Purgatory,' Jaxon said.
'Afterlife,' Nick said." (pg, 186-188)

THis wasa when she got introduced to her"gang" of people. They were trying to explain it to her to try and get her to join them. She did. So now, if you ever read the book, which I highly recomend you do, you will be ahead of the game. :)

1 comment:

  1. Morgan, I think that it is very interesting that you have been confused as you read this book, and you still decide to read it. I am glad that you have found a point of clarity within your book. The quote that you have provided was very important in this book, and you did a very nice job outlining that. I think that it is very nice to point out your point of confusion, and then give the clarity to other possible interested readers. By doing this, you really helped out a potential reader of this book, so this blog post can be very noteworthy to some. Great post.
