Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Bone Season ~ Samantha Shannon 2

This is the kind of book that you need to sit down in front of a fire and get as comfortable as possible with some hot chocolate in your hands. I am just saying you have to set aside time to read it so you can get into the interesting part. I am not that far into it, but I am in the transition from where you are bored to where the action begins. As I read this I kind of understand, but then they introduce a character that I was supposed to know but didn't. But you can still understand this enough to enjoy to the book. I am going to try and break this down. I might actually understand the book more after I write this.

The main character, Paige Mahoney, is sort of a criminal.
"From the age of sixteen I had worked in the criminal underworld of Scion London---SciLo, as we called it on the streets. I worked among a ruthless gang of voyants, all willing to to floor each other to survive. All part of a citadel-wide syndicate headed by the Underlord. Pushed to the edge of society, we were forced into crime to prosper, And so we became more hated." (2)

Paige is on a "wanted list". When Paige went to go visit her father and take a break from the criminal world, she was on a train when Underguards came and searched the train. This was bad. So she used her power to try to disorient them so she can make a run for it. Instead she ends up killing one of them and damaging the other one badly.
"I'd killed him, I'd killed an Underguard.
His companion hadn't been so lucky, He was on his back, his eyes staring at the ceiling, a slithering ribbon of saliva down his chin. He twitched when I came closer, Chills crept down my back and the taste of bile burned my throat. I hadn't  pushed his spirit far enough. It was still drifting in the dark parts of his mind: the secret, silent parts in which no spirit should dwell. He'd gone mad. No. I'd driven him mad." (19)

She then runs away to go to her fathers house. Once she gets there and stays for the night, the people come to get her.
"They had come for me.
They had finally come.
I was on my feet at once, throwing a jacket over my shirt and pulling on my shoes and glovelettes, my hands shaking. This was what Nick had trained me for: to run like hell. I could make it to the station if I tried, but this run would test my stamina to the limit. I would have to find and hail a cab to reach Section 4. Buck cabbies would take just  about anyone for a few bob, voyant fugitive or not." (29)

She tries to run away from them but they end up capturing her and putting her in some sort of cell. Then they take her to the welcome orientation for Sheal I.
"It was deathly cold outside the room, and the threadbare carpet did little to improve the temperature. It must have been red once, but now it was faded and stained with vomit. My guide led me through a labyrinth of stone corridors, past small barred windows and burning torches. They seemed too bright, too raw, after the cool blue streetlights of London." (37)

They assign them to "trainers". That is where they train there gifts to use them to their advantages. Paige gets put with the Warden. Everybody says she should be really grateful because he rarely takes interests in humans.
"'I have good news for you, Paige Mahoney.' Nashira placed her hand on her companion's arm. 'You have attracted the attention of the blood-consort: Arcturus, Warden of the Mesarthim. He has decided to be your keeper.'
The Rephaim looked at each other. They didn't speak, but their auras seemed to ripple.
'It is rare that he takes interest in a human,' Nashira said, her voice as quiet as if she were entrusting me with some closely guarded secret. 'You are very, very fortunate.'
I didn't feel fortunate. I was sickened.
The blood-consort leaned down to my level. A long way down. I didn't look away.
'XX-50-40.' His voice was deep and soft. 'I lay claim to you'" (55)

Paige goes to the wardens house and explores around and he explains shortly what she is supposed to do.
"'I will be away tomorrow. You may acquaint yourself with the city in my absence. You will be back my dawn every day. You will return to this room at once if you hear the siren. If you steal or touch or otherwise meddle with anything, I will know'
'Yes, sir'
The sir just slipped out." (58)

After she explores the surrounding city she comes back and lays down and fakes sleep when she sees the Warden come in. She goes into his room to look at him and sees he is injured. She has an argument with herself in her head. Should she kill him? Or should she save him? Or should she just ignore him? She decides to save him.
"I had three options. I could sit here and watch him die, but I sensed it might be better to save him . I was reasonably safe in Magdlaen. The last thing I wanted to  do at this stage was move. He hadn't hurt me yet, but he would. to own me he would have to subjugate me, torture me, make me obey by any means necessary. If I killed him now, I might save myself. My hand reached for a pillow. I could do it, I could suffocate him. Yes, come on, kill him. I flexed my fingers, grasped the cotton. Kill him!
I couldn't. He'd wake up He'd wake up and break my neck. Even if he didn't, I wouldn't be able to escape. The guards outside would string me up for murder.
I had to save him." (83)

Now here come the inferences...
The second time Paige goes out in the city she asks some questions. Like why we have to take pills and what they are for. She gets some answers but those answers leave even more mysteries.
"'Right.' I watched her smoke. 'Do you know what's in the pills they give us?'
Tilda nodded. "The little white one is a standard contraceptive. Surprised you haven't seen it before.'
'Contraceptive? What for?'
' To stop us breeding, obviously. And bleeding. I mean, would you want to punch out a sprog in this place?'
She had a point. 'The red one?'
'Iron supplement.'
'And the green one?'
'The third pill.'
'There's no third pill.'" (86)

I think that the third pill has to do with her special trainer, the Warden.She has to train with him, so maybe this will give her extra powers while training with him. The Warden also mentions something how she can't see the spirits. "'You do not have the spirit sight,' he observed. 'That will be a disadvantage here. Unless you have some means of compensating, of course. Perhaps a stronger sixth sense.'" (58) Maybe the pill will help her develop the "spirit sight".

I cannot wait to find out!! :)

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